Embrace, Santander's network of LGBT+ employees and allies, signed an agreement with the foundation, 26 de Diciembre, to take part in Proyecto Ámbar (“The Amber Project”), a programme that promotes the employment of trans people, a group at risk of social exclusion. Employees can be mentors and run workshops, talks and guidance on any important issue concerning career development.

Santander’s Embrace Network celebrated Trans Visibility Day with an event for all employees, where it announced our participation in Proyecto Ámbar (“The Amber Project”) with the 26 de Diciembre foundation. In attendance were Irene Fernández, Learning and Development Manager at the Corporate Centre; Pedro Bogo, director of Proyecto Ámbar; and Susana Fernández, one of the project’s first beneficiaries.

Pedro Bogo
Pedro Bogo
Susana Fernández
Susana Fernández

Susana Fernández moved everyone with her inspirational story of triumph. She worked in finance for two decade but could never live openly as a trans woman for fears of being fired. It took early retirement and other things for her to come out. Proyecto Ámbar is important to her because "it helped me [retrain] in areas I knew nothing about. I want to use this new beginning to love myself more and better”.

Trans people are one of society’s most victimized and shunned groups, and initiatives like this one are extremely important. These figures can give us an idea of their daily struggles:

80 %

of trans people are unemployed

48 %

have had to work in prostitution to make a living

40 %

have been turned away at job interviews

42 %

claim to have endured verbal violence

55 %

have dropped out of school due to bullying

21 %

are homeless

56 %

have contemplated suicide


are murdered each year in hate crimes

80 %

of trans people are unemployed

48 %

have had to work in prostitution to make a living

40 %

have been turned away at job interviews

42 %

claim to have endured verbal violence

55 %

have dropped out of school due to bullying

21 %

are homeless

56 %

have contemplated suicide


are murdered each year in hate crimes

Our employees volunteer for this initiative because the knowledge they share can make a difference in the personal and professional growth of trans people. Santander’s Embrace Network offers training and development courses in:

  • Office Suite: basic and advanced level.
  • New technologies: blockchain.
  • Self-employment: creating cooperatives and self-employment.
  • Microcredit: types, access, requisites and financing.
  • Joining the workforce: CVs and job interviews.

Diversity and inclusion are mainstays of our culture, and promoting equal opportunity, with contempt for all kinds of discrimination, is a top priority to help people prosper. 

Proyecto Ámbar participants before the pandemic
Proyecto Ámbar participants before the pandemic

Fundación 26 de Diciembre: Supporting inclusion and tolerance 

Fundación 26 de Diciembre is a foundation that launched in 2010 to create spaces of inclusion and tolerance with social, medical and mental health programmes for LGBT+ adults, a group normally outcast by society. In 2019, Pedro Bogo became the leader of the foundation’s Proyecto Ámbar (“The Ambar Project”), a programme funded by the Municipality of Madrid; the Madrid Regional Government's Department for Social Policies, Families, Equality and Natality; and the European Social Fund. With workshops, talks and guidance on important career development issues, it provides participants, volunteers, organizations and companies with resources to train trans people and help them find work.

To find out more about, visit Proyecto Ámbar's website

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