Board of directors

The composition of the board of directors is shown below. If you would like to know the professional profile of the directors, please click on each of them.

Executive Chair

Chief Executive Officer

Vice Chair and Lead Independent Director

Non-executive director (independent)

Non-executive director (independent)

Non-executive director (independent)

Non-executive director (independent)

Non-executive director (independent)

Non-executive director (independent)

Non-executive director

Non-executive director (independent)

Non-executive director (independent)

Non-executive director (independent)

Non-executive director

General Counsel and secretary of the board

Please refer to the following table to consult the composition of the board, indicating the dates of the first appointment and subsequent re-election of directors, as well as the composition of the board committees.

The board of directors aims to ensure that non-executive directors represent a broad majority over executive directors (currently 86.67% - 13.33%) and that the number of independent directors represent at least half of all directors (currently 66.67%).

Likewise, the board of directors shall ensure that the procedures for selection of members guarantee the individual and collective expertise of directors, encourage diversity in terms of gender, age, geographical origin, experience and knowledge, and do not carry any implicit bias that could lead to any form of discrimination on grounds such as disability, race or ethnic origin. The board currently has a balanced presence of both genders (40% - 60%).

The Annual Corporate Governance Report provides more detailed information on the skills and competences of each director, the board skills and diversity matrix, as well as its commissions.

Following this link you may consult the Bank’s shares and options over these shares held by directors, as well as the shares represented.