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This page shows our current Bylaws.
The 2024 annual corporate governance report is included in the Corporate Governance chapter of the 2024 Annual Report (page 232).
The committees' 2024 activities reports include: (i) the audit committee report (including reports on the auditor's independence and on related-party transactions); (ii) the nomination committee report; (iii) the remuneration committee report (including a special report on the director remuneration policy); (iv) the risk supervision, regulation and compliance committee report; (v) the responsible banking, sustainability and culture committee report; and (vi) the innovation and technology committee report. All of these reports can be found in the Corporate Governance chapter of the 2024 Annual Report, pages 279 et seq.
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The 2024 annual directors’ remuneration report is included in the Corporate Governance chapter of the 2024 Annual Report on sections 6 (except for 6.4), 9.4 and 9.5 (p.307).
Below you can find the direct access link to the Rules and Regulation of the Board of Directors in force, as last amended by the board on 25 July 2023.
The composition of the board of directors is shown below. If you would like to know the professional profile of the directors, please click on each of them.
Please refer to the following table to consult the composition of the board, indicating the dates of the first appointment and subsequent re-election of directors, as well as the composition of the board committees.
The board of directors aims to ensure that non-executive directors represent a broad majority over executive directors (currently 86.67% - 13.33%) and that the number of independent directors represent at least half of all directors (currently 66.67%).
Likewise, the board of directors shall ensure that the procedures for selection of members guarantee the individual and collective expertise of directors, encourage diversity in terms of gender, age, geographical origin, experience and knowledge, and do not carry any implicit bias that could lead to any form of discrimination on grounds such as disability, race or ethnic origin. The board currently has a balanced presence of both genders (40% - 60%).
The Annual Corporate Governance Report provides more detailed information on the skills and competences of each director, the board skills and diversity matrix, as well as its commissions.
Following this link you may consult the Bank’s shares and options over these shares held by directors, as well as the shares represented.
The executive committee consists of five directors, including three external directors (one of whom is independent) and two executive directors.
Chair | Ana Botín | Executive | 11/12/1989 (1) |
Members | Hector Grisi | Executive | 01/01/2023 |
José Antonio Álvarez | Other external | 13/01/2015 | |
Luis Isasi | Other external | 20/05/2020 | |
Belén Romana | Independent | 01/07/2018 | |
Secretary | Jaime Pérez Renovales |
1. Committee Chair since 10 September 2014.
The executive committee is regulated in article 51 of the Bylaws and in article 16 of the Rules and Regulations of the Board of Directors. It has delegated all the powers of the board of directors, except those which may not be legally delegated or the ones that cannot be delegated under the provisions of the Bylaws or the Rules and Regulations of the Board.
The audit committee consists of five independent directors. All of them have been appointed by the board of directors taking into account their knowledge, qualifications and experience in the areas of finance, accounting, auditing, internal control, information technology, business or risk management.
Chair | Germán de la Fuente | Independent | 21/04/2022 (1) |
Members | Homaira Akbari | Independent | 26/06/2017 |
Henrique de Castro | Independent | 21/10/2019 | |
Belén Romana | Independent | 22/12/2015 | |
Pamela Walkden | Independent | 29/10/2019 | |
Secretary | Jaime Pérez Renovales |
1. Committee Chair since 23 March 2024.
The functions of the audit committee are described in article 52 of the Bylaws and are developed in greater detail in article 17 of the Rules and Regulations of the Board of Directors.
The nomination committee consists of five independent directors. All of them have been appointed by the board of directors taking into account their’ knowledge, qualifications and experience in the areas for which the committee is responsible.
Chair | Belén Romana | Independent | 01/01/2024 (1) |
Members | Carlos Barrabés | Independent | 27/06/2024 |
Sol Daurella | Independent | 23/02/2015 | |
Gina Díez Barroso | Independent | 22/12/2021 | |
Glenn Hutchins | Independent | 20/12/2022 | |
Secretary | Jaime Pérez Renovales |
1. Committee Chair since 23 March 2024.
The functions of the nomination committee are described in article 53 of the Bylaws and are developed in greater detail in article 18 of the Rules and Regulations of the Board of Directors.
The remuneration committee consists of five external directors, four of whom are independent, including its chair. All of them have been appointed by the board of directors taking into account their’ knowledge, qualifications and experience in the areas for which the committee is responsible.
Chair | Glenn Hutchins | Independent | 20/12/2022 (1) |
Members | Sol Daurella | Independent | 23/02/2015 |
Henrique de Castro | Independent | 29/10/2019 | |
Luis Isasi | Other external | 19/05/2020 | |
Antonio Weiss | Independent | 01/01/2025 | |
Secretary | Jaime Pérez Renovales |
1. Committee Chair since 1 October 2023.
The functions of the remuneration committee are described in article 54 of the Bylaws and are developed in greater detail in article 19 of the Rules and Regulations of the Board of Directors.
The risk supervision, regulation and compliance committee consists of five external directors, being independent three of its members, including its chair. All of them have been appointed by the board of directors taking into account their’ knowledge, qualifications and experience in the areas for which the committee is responsible.
Chair | Pamela Walkden | Independent | 01/05/2021 (1) |
Members | José Antonio Álvarez | Other external | 01/01/2025 |
Germán de la Fuente | Independent | 01/01/2023 | |
Luis Isasi | Other external | 19/05/2020 | |
Belén Romana | Independent | 28/10/2016 | |
Secretary | Jaime Pérez Renovales |
1. Committee Chair since 23 March 2024.
The functions of the risk supervision, regulation and compliance committee are described in article 54 bis of the Bylaws and are developed in greater detail in article 20 of the Rules and Regulations of the Board of Directors.
The responsible banking, sustainability and culture committee consists of five independent directors. All of them have been appointed by the board of directors taking into account their knowledge, qualifications and experience in the areas for which the committee is responsible.
Chair | Sol Daurella | Independent | 01/07/2018 (1) |
Members | Homaira Akbari | Independent | 01/07/2018 |
Carlos Barrabés | Independent | 27/06/2024 | |
Gina Díez Barroso | Independent | 31/01/2023 | |
Pamela Walkden | Independent | 23/03/2024 | |
Secretary | Jaime Pérez Renovales |
1. Committee Chair since 23 July 2024.
The functions of the responsible banking, sustainability and culture committee are described in article 54 ter of the Bylaws and the characteristics in greater detail in article 21 of the Rules and Regulations of the Board of Directors.
The innovation and technology committee consists of eight directors, six of them are external directors, the majority being independent, and two are executive. All of them have been appointed by the board of directors taking into account their knowledge, qualifications and experience in the areas for which the committee is responsible.
Chair | Glenn Hutchins | Independent | 20/12/2022 (1) |
Members | Homaira Akbari | Independent | 27/09/2016 |
José Antonio Álvarez | Other external | 23/02/2015 | |
Carlos Barrabés | Independent | 27/06/2024 | |
Ana Botín | Executive | 23/04/2007 | |
Henrique de Castro | Independent | 23/07/2019 | |
Hector Grisi | Executive | 01/01/2023 | |
Belén Romana | Independent | 19/12/2017 | |
Secretary | Jaime Pérez Renovales |
1. Committee Chair since 23 March 2024.
The functions of the innovation and technology committee are described in detail in article 22 of the Rules and Regulations of the Board of Directors.
The purpose of Santander’s international advisory board is to provide strategic advice to the Group, with a strong focus on innovation, digital transformation, cybersecurity and new technologies. It will also deliver its insights regarding a broad variety of issues, such as capital market trends; corporate governance and talent; brand and reputation; regulatory matters and compliance; and global, customer-focused financial services. In this way, the Group benefits and receives structured and recurrent insights from international leaders who, due to other professional commitments, are not able to provide such support as members of the board. The international advisory board is expected to meet at least twice a year.
International advisory board composition
Chair | Larry Summers | Former Secretary of the US Treasury and President Emeritus and Charles W. Eliot University Professor of Harvard University |
Members | Sheila C. Bair | Former Chair of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation and former President of Washington College |
Mike Rhodin | Supervisory board member of TomTom and director of HzO. Former IBM Watson Senior Vice President | |
Francisco D’Souza | Managing Partner and co-founder at Recognize | |
James Whitehurst | Senior Advisor at IBM and former CEO of Red Hat | |
George Kurtz | CEO and co-founder of CrowdStrike. Former Chief Technology Officer of McAfee | |
Nadia Schadlow | Former Deputy National Security Advisor for Strategy and former Assistant to the President of the United States | |
Andreas Dombret | Former board member of Deutsche Bundesbank, of Supervisory Board of the ECB and of Bank International Settlements and former Vice Chair of Bank of America in Europe | |
Carolyn Everson | Director at The Coca-Cola Company and The Walt Disney Company. Former chair of Instacart and former vice-president of Global Business Group at Facebook (Meta) | |
Juan Ignacio Gallardo Thurlow | Chair of Organización Cultiba, Grupo Azucarero México and Grupo GEPP (PepsiCo bottling company in Mexico) | |
Secretary | Jaime Pérez Renovales |
You can access the Rules of Regulations for the General Meeting through the following link. Last amendment approved at the General Shareholders’ Meeting held on 1 April 2022.
The guiding principle of Santander Group’s activity is the defence of its integrity and reputation, complying strictly with legislation and regulations and with the ethical standards applicable in the markets in which it operates.
Putting this commitment into practice requires the implementation of a strong corporate culture at all levels of the organisation, together with the establishment and continual updating of a whole set of policies, procedures, codes of conduct and internal controls.
General Code of Conduct
The General Code of Conduct contains the ethical principles and standards of conduct that govern the behaviour of all Banco Santander employees.
Canal Abierto
Banco Santander has an internal information system (named, Canal Abierto) for anyone related to its group to report breaches of legal or internal regulations, irregular financial and accounting practices or violations of its General Code of Conduct, corporate behaviours and Internal Governance system confidentially and anonymously -if they wish to do so-, with absence of reprisals, among other guarantees and rights of the reporter that are included in the internal regulations that regulate this channel.
Executive summary of the Santander Group's Corruption Prevention Policy
This page contains information on Santander Group’s anti-corruption policy:
Policy on conflicts of interest
This policy aims to provide Santander Group employees, directors and entities with guidelines for preventing and managing conflicts of interest that may arise as a result of their activities.
Code of Conduct in Securities Markets
Code of Conduct for Research Activity
The Code of Conduct for Research Activity defines the criteria for the preparation and publication of Research Products by Banco Santander and the behavior of Research Analysts in the exercise of their professional activity.