Top 3 for NPS

in 7 markets*

173 Mn

total customers**

Top 3 for NPS

in 7 markets*

173 Mn

total customers**

*Santander US has a separate target and is not included

**Data as of December 2024

Acting responsibly towards our customers

Being responsible means offering our customers products and services that are Simple, Personal and Fair. We must do the basics brilliantly and solve problems quickly.

Transforming customer experience

Banco Santander’s strategy is rooted in quality of service and customer satisfaction. It has a corporate model for quality management and customer experience. Knowing customer needs, improving segmentation, simplifying processes and sharing best practices across our geographies has continuously elevated our service quality and satisfaction rate.

Banco Santander’s value proposition takes the demands of diverse customer profiles into account. By ramping up our multichannel selection with new digital applications, innovative products and sound commercial strategies, we’ve increased loyal and digital customers significantly.

We’re transforming our business model to be more accessible on digital channels without sacrificing Santander’s signature personal treatment. The innovative, more comfortable design of our refurbished branches will enhance customer experience, remove architectural barriers and increase technology to make service faster and more personal.

More information on the Annual Report

Protecting customers and helping vulnerable customers

Banco Santander’s consumer protection promotes high ethical standards in customer relations. The product governance and customer protection function makes sure our products and services meet customer needs, are sold through the proper channels and achieve desired outcomes. We pinpoint potential risks from new regulations and issues with products and services that jeopardize consumer protection. 

Our country-specific guidelines on vulnerable customers are mindful of personal circumstances and over-indebtedness. 

Our financial education website plays a fundamental role in our customer relations and consumer protection. We pledge to teach customers about finance and banking services to gain their trust and promote their financial health.

We’re also working further on culturally transforming our sales force with satisfaction indicators to better gauge our customers’ opinions.

More information on the Annual Report 

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