During 2024
487 suppliers

identified with ESG* risk

During 2024

of suppliers contracted are based in the same location where we procure services

We introduce ESG criteria in the selection of and negotiations with third parties.

During 2024
487 suppliers

identified with ESG* risk

During 2024

of suppliers contracted are based in the same location where we procure services

We introduce ESG criteria in the selection of and negotiations with third parties.

*New metric not comparable to 2023 information.

Sustainability in procurement

Because our suppliers affect the environment and broader society, we hold them to strict ethical, social and environmental standards. Our third-party model and certification policy to manage them sets out a common methodology for supplier selection, approval and evaluation in all countries. Its responsible behaviour principles consist of minimum ethical, social and environmental standards (regarding human rights, health and safety, diversity and inclusion) our suppliers must meet, are consistent with the ten principles of the Global Compact.

Moreover, to promote responsible practices in our supply chain, we have a supplier ESG certification methodology76 that supplements the third-party certification policy with the aim of identifying the suppliers that pose the greatest risk in terms of sustainability. This methodology also helps us determine which controls to adopt according to the risk identified.

Similarly, we have an ethical channel for third parties providing services to Banco Santander, S.A. or our subsidiaries to report employee conduct that fails to uphold the terms of their relationship with Santander. Furthermore, our supplier risk management platform, which operates in our core markets, integrates third-party management and reporting, and consolidates supplier certification data.