Last update: 06/10/2022

Summarising the Santander brand trajectory, particularly if we go back to our very origins during the reign of Queen Isabel II, would not be an easy task.  In addition to the evolution and changes in the market itself, a financial services entity with such a historical legacy has lived through many stages of cultural and social transformation.

Natural changes both drive and force enterprises and institutions to evolve and adapt to new eras in time, making them active and responsible agents of societal transformation. 

Through the years, we have constructed one of the most valuable brands in the world. This is reflected in internationally-renowned brand rankings such as Best Global Brands from Interbrand and BrandZ from Kantar. 

In time, some things have evolved, and others remain unchanged; yet, without a doubt, there are some interesting facts to be found in our history that are truly noteworthy:

  1. Did you know that Santander has been our brand name since our very beginnings in 1857?  It’s not only the name of the city in which our bank was first chartered, but also the birthplace of our founders, the Botín family.   

  2. Did you know that our flame symbol was incorporated to the Santander brand identity many years later?  The flame symbol was created in 1986 and has formed an integral part of our identity ever since.  The flame is representative of fire and all that fire has represented in the story of human evolution: an ally in the advancement and progress of mankind.

  3. Did you know that red was not the first color of choice when our brand was created? Curiously, a combination of black and green were used for our initial brand expression, until 1989 when we opted for the color red as a competitively differentiating visual element, destined to become a proprietary cornerstone of our brand expression. It has been a fundamental part of our brand essence since then.

  4. Did you know that the Santander brand is present in twenty-five countries? After various phases of international expansion, since 2004 the Santander brand has also represented us outside of Spain. Today, it is internationally-recognised with presence in twenty-five countries – ten of which are considered to be primary financial markets worldwide.

  5. Did you know that our brand has already experienced nine revitalisations of design expression?  The most recent was in 2018, where we refreshed our visual identity to reflect changes within our organisation and focus, always with the objective of being closer to people, more relevant and engaging.
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