We’re aiding our customers’ transition to a green economy. Our new line of sustainable products is helping mitigate the devastating effects of climate change

Climate change and extreme weather have become more frequent and more potent because of global warming. They account for 90% of the world’s major disasters, which have led to more than 400 billion euros in losses and over 25 million people on the verge of poverty. 

Because more than half of global GDP relies on natural resources, citizens and institutions need to stand strong to make the much-needed transition to a sustainable, environmentally-friendly economy a reality. 

Pro-planet financial products

At Santander, we stand for the sustainable and inclusive growth of people and businesses. We’re working on improving our financial products to support customers — individuals and companies — as they transition to a green economy.

Products include: 

  • Green mortgages: Santander España is offering customers deals if they purchase homes with an A or A+-grade energy efficiency certificate.
  • Loans for low-carbon farming: Also in Spain, we’re helping farmers buy eco-friendly machinery. 
  • Loans for energy efficiency: Santander Portugal is helping customers buy special equipment for energy-efficient buildings.
  • Loans and leases to set up renewable energy fixtures: Santander Brasil is financing projects to enhance renewable energy and energy-efficient fixtures that even improve air quality. 
  • Loans and leases for clean transport: Santander Bank Polska’s leasing products are encouraging the use of electric and hybrid vehicles. 

credit transactions for renewable energy in 2020

60 m

tonnes of CO2 not released, thanks to projects financed in 2020


credit transactions for renewable energy in 2020

60 m

tonnes of CO2 not released, thanks to projects financed in 2020

We're gaining ground on our pledge to mobilize 120 billion euros in green financing by 2025, reaching 33.8 billion between 2019 and 2020. We’ve also issued three green bonds for 1 billion euros since 2019. In 2020, we prevented 60 million tonnes of carbon being released by financing greenfield renewable energy. Furthermore, we joined AENOR to create Spain's first sustainable hallmark for SMEs to add special value to their stakeholders. 

Also, from 2025, all our cards in Europe will come from sustainable and biodegradable materials. Santander España is already doing this with its All-in-One card, made from plant-based, non-polluting materials. Santander Consumer Finance España has biodegradable cards that donate 1% of cardholders’ spending in 2021 to the Global nature Foundation. Also, Santander Portugal's debit cards have been certified by CarbonNeutral in recognition of their low impact on the environment. This is furthering our commitment to net-zero operations across Grupo Santander by 2050.

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