Last update: 14/09/2022

In Santander, we continue to move towards a green economy for a future that society and the environment can sustain. That’s why we’ve recently installed solar panels at several corporate buildings. 

Renewable energy has been fast on the rise in recent years. Far from a fad, it’s a resource that inexhaustible and, above all, sustainable to life on the planet. More people are choosing solar, wind and other sources of energy all over the world. According to the Global Electricity Review 2022, for the first time ever, more than 10% of electricity worldwide comes from renewable energy.

Solar energy is gaining popularity. 20% more solar power was produced in 2021, which is doubtless the result of growing awareness about the planet and major challenges, like climate change

IN 2021
75 %

Electricity consumed from renewable sources only.

IN 2021
75 %

Electricity consumed from renewable sources only.

Santander continues to work towards our goal of consuming energy entirely from clean sources by 2025. In one of our latest initiatives, we installed 20,000 photovoltaic solar panels at the Santander Group City and other corporate offices in Spain.

By installing solar panels at our corporate buildings, we will maximize auto-consumption of energy at the Corporate Centre and at Santander España, lower our costs, reduce our impact on the environment and have one of the most sustainable and efficient office campuses.

Alfonso Ráez, Corporate Head of Buildings at Santander

This is just one of many other projects, like the installation of 12,000 LED lighting fixtures, advanced energy management systems (to thoroughly monitor air conditioning) and the expansion of parking space for electric vehicles (in addition to the over 700 already available).

They are part of several Energy Efficiency and Sustainability Plans and build on previous ones, like the installation of rooftop planting beds (covering 100,000 sqm), which will now make way for solar panels.

Our transition to a green economy

The climate emergency has endangered our planet. Irreversible damage to nature is more evident and leaving a wider social gap. Mitigation is only possible with everyone’s commitment.

IN 2021
100 %

removal of single-use plastics.

IN 2021
100 %

removal of single-use plastics.

The Group has targets, which have already made a difference. We hope to achieve more results in the coming years. Since 2020, we've been running carbon-neutral operations and, in just a year, we manage to remove all unnecessary, single-use plastic from all our locations. 

Aside from our renewable energy target for 2025, we’ve been working since 2019 to finance or help mobilize €120 billion in green financing by 2025, and €220 billion by 2030. This will move us closer to our most ambitious goal: becoming net zero by 2050. 

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