1. What is the par value of Santander shares?

    Since 11 June 1999, the par value of Santander shares has been EUR 0.50. Prior to that date, the par value underwent several changes (stock splits and return of shareholder contributions).
  2. What is the Bank's share capital?

    Details can be found in the Share Capital Distribution section on this website.
  3. What capital increases have been carried out?

    Details can be found in the Capital transactions section on this website.
  4. How is the share capital distributed?

    Please visit the section on Distribution of share capital, which provides the different distributions by investor, by continent and by share tranche.
  5. On which markets are Santander shares traded?

    As ordinary shares on the Spanish electronic trading platform (Continuous Market), as well as on the Mexico and Warsaw exchanges. As American Depositary Receipt (ADR) on the New York stock Exchange and as CREST Depository Interest (CDI) on the London stock market.

    What is an American Depositary Share (ADS)?
    An ADS is a marketable US security that represents shares of non-US companies. They are quoted and traded in USD. Santander shares are traded on the NYSE as ADS. Citibank is the issuer for Santander ADS. Each ADS represents one ordinary Santander share.

    What is an American Depositary Receipt (ADR)?
    An ADR is a physical certificate (receipt) that evidences the number of ADS held by an investor.

    What is a CREST Depository Interest (CDI)?
    Santander does not issue share certificates. Instead, its securities are recorded electronically on CREST (the UK and Ireland central securities depository and settlement system) as CDIs. Each CDI represents one Santander share.
  6. What in the Santander ticker?

    Spain: SAN
    Warsaw: SAN
    London (CDI): BNC
    New York (ADR): SAN
    Buenos Aires: STD.
  7. How much does each Santander share cost?

    As the price can vary, we recommend that you consult the most recent price in the financial media, at any Bank branch or through our remote channels (telephone banking, web banking, etc.).

    You can also find this information:
    • On the section on Price on this website.
    • In the newsletters issued by Santander's Shareholder and Investor Relations team, at this link.
    • Through the contact channels indicated here.
  8. How do I buy Santander shares?

    If you are a Banco Santander customer, you can place the order at your local branch office or through our remote channels (telephone banking, Internet, etc.).

    If you are not a Banco Santander customer, please consult your depository banking institution or stock exchange broker. You do not need to be a customer of the Bank in order to invest in Santander shares.
  9. Are there any additional costs when purchasing Santander shares?

    As a general rule, you will incur the following additional costs: bank fees, brokerage fees and stock exchange fees. Ask your local branch office for the specific amount of these expenses.

    Purchases of Santander shares through the Bank are exempt from bank fees, custody/administration fees, dividend payment or capital transaction fees, and transfers resulting from legal rulings, donations and inheritance.
  10. How can I find out how many shares I currently own?

    Through the contact channels indicated here.
  11. How do I transfer Santander shares from another depository entity to Santander?

    You need only submit the latest securities account statement, signed by the owner of record, to the Banco Santander branch office of your convenience. The branch office will take care of everything needed to make the deposit.
  12. What rights do Santander shares carry?

    Shares carry shareholder status for the owner of record as well as the following rights:
    • Participation in profits
    • Attendance and voting at the General Shareholders' Meeting
    • Shareholder information
  13. How can I receive shareholder notices?

    Sign up through these channels.

  1. When are dividends paid?

    The shareholders in General Meeting will approve the total dividend payable against earnings for a given year. This meeting is usually held in the first half of each year.
  2. If I buy shares, what dividends will I receive?

    Future dividends on shares purchased cannot be quantified and will primarily depend on two factors: earnings per share (net profit divided by the number of shares) and the Bank's dividend policy.

    Details of past dividends paid are available in the Dividend section of this website.
  3. Do shareholders have to pay fees for receiving dividends?

    Santander shareholders are exempt from fees for receiving dividends when the shares are deposited at a Santander Group bank (except Openbank).

    Other depository institutions generally charge fees for receiving dividends.
  4. 4. How can I find out what dividends the Bank has paid?

    In the Dividend section section or through these contact channels.

  5. How and when do shareholders find out that the Bank plans on paying a dividend?

    As soon as the Board of Directors approves the amount and payment date, the information is published through:

    • Notice to the CNMV.
    • Press release.
    • Bank's website.

    In addition, once your depository institution has received the payment, it should send you a letter of payment indicating the amount received and the dividend per share.

    If you did not receive such a letter, you can request one through our contact channels.

  1. When does the Group publish its financial statements?

    The Group publishes quarterly financial statements.
  2. Where can I find out the Group's earnings?

    • In the Results section of this website.
    • Through the Quarterly Shareholder Report, posted here.
    • Through our contact channels.

  1. Where is the meeting notice published?

    Notice of the meeting is published at least one month prior to the meeting date, in the Official Gazette of the Companies Registry (Boletín Oficial del Registro Mercantil) or in one of the widest-read newspapers in Spain, on the Bank's website (www.santander.com) and on the website of the National Securities Market Commission (Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores, (www.cnmv.es).

    The Chairman of the Bank also sends a letter to all shareholders, informing them of the upcoming meeting date and enclosing the attendance, delegation and remote voting card and the meeting agenda.

    All information and documentation on the General Shareholders' Meeting is available on this website, in the Shareholders' General Meeting section.
  2. Who can attend the General Shareholders' Meeting?

    In accordance with the Bank's by-laws, the registered owners of any amount of shares duly recorded in the shareholders' log at least five days prior to the meeting date are entitled to attend the General Shareholders' Meeting.

    In order to attend the meeting, shareholders must obtain the attendance card issued in their name by the Bank's Secretary, based on the list of shareholders entitled to attend, in accordance with the Bank's by-laws and with prevailing legislation. This list will be definitively closed five days prior the scheduled meeting date.
  3. How can shareholders participate in the General Shareholders' Meeting?

    • Shareholders owning ordinary shares may vote remotely through the following means:

      • Electronic vote: Shareholders may vote electronically through the Bank's website (www.santander.com) or at www.juntasantander.com. Shareholders with an Android or Apple iOS mobile device can use the "Santander Accionistas" app, which can be downloaded at Google Play (Android) or the Apple App Store.

      • Hand-delivered or postal vote: In order to vote remotely with hand delivery or postal delivery, shareholders must complete and sign the "Remote Vote" section on the attendance, delegation and remote voting card issued by the Bank. The duly completed and signed card must be delivered by hand to any branch office or sent by post to the following address: Registro de Accionistas, Apartado número 683 F.D. 28080 Madrid.

        If a shareholder delegates his or her vote or votes remotely, through any means, in advance of the General Shareholders' Meeting but then attends the meeting either in person or remotely, the prior vote delegation or remote vote will be rendered null and void. Physical attendance at the meeting will render any remote attendance invalid.

      • Owners of American Depositary Receipts (ADRs) representing ordinary Banco Santander shares will receive an instruction card on exercising their voting rights at the General Shareholders' Meeting directly from Citibank.

        For further information on the rules for participating in the meeting or on the agenda items, or for help in the voting process, the owners of ADRs may contact D.F. King & Co., Inc., Banco Santander's Information Agent at:

        48 Wall Street, New York, NY 10005
        Telephone: (800) 735-3107
        Email: bancosantander@dfking.com

      • Owners of CREST Depositary Interests (CDIs) representing ordinary Banco Santander shares will receive an instruction card on exercising their voting rights at the General Shareholders' Meeting directly from Equiniti Financial Services Limited.

        For any additional information, CDI owners can access the following customer service channels:

        Email: santandershareholders@equiniti.com
        Telephone: 0371 384 2000
        Telephone: +44 121 415 7188 (international calls)
        Customer service lines are open from 8:30 am to 5:30 pm, Monday through Friday, except for UK bank holidays.
  4. How can I appoint a proxy for the General Shareholders' Meeting?

    Shareholders that are unable to attend the meeting may delegate their vote to any shareholder or non-shareholder individual or legal entity. This proxy representation must be granted in writing or through electronic means, and refer specifically to the meeting in question. One vote may be issued for each share present or represented at the General Shareholders' Meeting.

    In the case of written proxy delegation, the shareholder, after signing the attendance, delegation and remote voting card, may send the card through post or using the prepaid envelope received, or hand deliver it at any Santander branch office.

    In the case of proxy granted through electronic means, shareholders should follow the instructions set out on the Shareholders' General Meeting section of this website.
  5. What is the difference between ordinary and extraordinary General Shareholders' Meetings?

    Ordinary General Shareholders' Meetings must be held within the first six months of each year, so that shareholders can vote whether to approve the prior year management of the Bank and the financial statements, as well as how profits or losses for the prior year will be allocated.

    All other meetings are Extraordinary General Shareholders' Meetings.

Owners of ordinary shares

  • Shareholder Helpline: 91 276 92 90
  • Buzón del Accionista: accionistas@santander.com
  • Postal address:
    Santander Shareholder Relations
    Ciudad Grupo Santander. Edificio Pereda. Planta 2.
    28660 - Boadilla del Monte (Madrid)

Any changes of address should also be reported to the branch holding your shares, given that each branch offices handles all correspondence regarding a shareholder's securities account.

Owners of CREST Depositary Interests (CDIs)

  • Shareholder Helpline:
    Telephone: 0371 384 2000
    Telephone: +44 121 415 7188 (international calls)
    Customer service lines are open from 8:30 am to 5:30 pm, Monday through Friday, except for UK bank holidays.
  • Email: santandershareholders@equiniti.com
  • Postal address:
    Aspect House, Spencer Road, Lancing, West Sussex, BN99 6DA, United Kingdom

Owners of American Depositary Receipts (ADRs)

  • Shareholder Helpline:
    Telephone: +1 888 810 7456
    International phone: +1 781 575 4555
    Lines open Monday to Friday 8:30am to 6:00pm EST
  • Email: citibank@shareholders-online.com
  • Postal address:
    Citibank Shareholder Services, PO Box 43077. Providence. RI 02940-3077