Universities have great potential to act as incubators for science, technology and innovation-based companies, which can then be connected to the entrepreneurial ecosystem. Universities are providing increasingly more support to their students and academics in creating innovative, sophisticated, transformative and sustainable companies with high added value and high growth potential. The sessions that took place in this debate dealt with:
Rosa Devés Alessandri
Rector of Universidad de Chile
Andrea Nolan
Principal and vice-chancellor of Edinburgh Napier University (United Kingdom)
David Garza Salazar
Rector and executive president of Tecnológico de Monterrey (Tec)
Ken Matsuno
Murata vice president of Academic Affairs and Dean of Babson College (USA)
Julián Rodríguez
Rector of Universidad Austral
Eduardo Hebel Weiiss
Rector of Universidad de La Frontera (UFRO)
Adriana Tortajada
CEO & Managing Partner of Twelve Hundred VC
Laia de Nadal
Rector of Universidad Pompeu Fabra
Steve Cleverley
CEO of Oxentia Ltd and director of Oxentia Foundation (United Kingdom)
Eloísa del Pino Matute
President of Spanish National Research Council (CSIC)
Celso Niskier
Rector of UniCarioca
Andrés Basilio Agres
Rector of Instituto Tecnológico de Buenos Aires (ITBA)