Roberto de Oliveira Campos Neto

Governor of Banco Central do Brasil

Roberto de Oliveira Campos Neto has been the Governor of Banco Central do Brasil since February 2019.

He has a Bachelor’s Degree and a Master’s Degree in Economics from the University of California-Los Angeles (UCLA) and has broad professional experience in the financial sector.

For over two decades, he worked in several leadership positions in financial institutions in Brazil and abroad. His trajectory is outstood by enthusiasm for technology and innovation in the financial sector. He has also been involved in studies related to blockchain, digital assets, among other innovation aspects that have been helping mold the financial system of the future.

Ahead of the Central Bank of Brazil, he launched the Agenda BC#: a set of structuring measures that aim to foster competition, inclusion, transparency, education and sustainability in the national financial system through initiatives like the creation of Pix, the implementation of the Open Banking/Finance and the promotion of microcredit, credit union, rural credit, real state credit, and green finance agenda.