Registration is open until May 20 for the 4th edition of the Summer School Ocean Alive Camp, the Summer Course promoted by the Polytechnic Institute of Setúbal with the Portuguese NGO Ocean Alive, which has the support of Santander Universities.
The course is aimed at university students over the age of 18, the program will take place from 8 to 19 July 2019 and the purpose is to inspire young people as ambassadors for the protection of the ocean.
Santander Universities offers 12 scholarships to provide participants with a practical learning experience in the area of Marine Sciences. The biodiversity of the nature reserve of the magnificent estuary of the River Sado (one of Portugal's richest natural heritages), serves as a laboratory for all those who have the ambition to make a positive impact on the sustainability of the oceans.
Students can learn techniques for monitoring the resident dolphin population, the application of scientific protocols for environmental quality and blue carbon storage, snorkeling for the observation of reef and seagrass biodiversity, kayak plankton harvesting and laboratory analysis.
The interaction with the local culture and fishing community, as well as the opportunity to enjoy recreational activities and the natural beauty of the award-winning Setúbal Bay makes this experience a unique opportunity for all participants.
Ocean Alive is the first cooperative in Portugal dedicated to the protection of the ocean, with UNESCO as its institutional partner. It contributes to four sustainable development goals: conservation and sustainable use of the oceans; gender equality and women's empowerment; awareness of the need for urgent action to combat climate change; and quality education for all.
The project is built with the participative commitment of women from the fishing community "Guardiãs do Mar", from the Sado estuary, volunteers and partners, who collaborate in the protection of the marine prairies.
Ocean Alive also aims to provide behavioural change through the development of a good practice certification label, that will provide increased income from the sale of fish and shellfish from this community.
Banco Santander has a strong commitment to Higher Education, which is materialised through Santander Universidades, a unique international initiative that distinguishes it from other financial institutions. Santander is the private company that invests the most in supporting education in the world (Varkey/UNESCO-Fortune 500 Report) with more than 1,200 collaboration agreements with universities and institutions in 21 countries. Since 2002, it has allocated more than 1.7 billion euros to initiatives and academic programmes, and in 2018 alone it granted more than 73,000 scholarships and aid with the aim of contributing, through its support for education, to the development of individuals, companies and society.
For more information and registration: