On the basis of a banking sector memorandum, Santander Bank Polska has prepared assistance solutions for its customers affected by the flood. These solutions include loan payment deferrals for retail and business customers, and fee waivers. Together with its Foundation, the Bank has also launched a fundraiser to buy flood recovery equipment, donating PLN 1 million to this end.

Warsaw 2 October 2024.
“We understand the hardship of the people affected by the flood. We wish to stand by our individual and business customers. And for this reason, without waiting for solutions to be proposed by the government, last week we announced a package of support solutions concerning the key credit products. And now we are adding further relief measures that are based on proposals developed by the banking sector”, says Magdalena Proga-Stępień, Member of the Management of Santander Bank Polska 

From 3 October, retail customers will be helped as follows:

  • The bank will offer a deferral of principal-and-interest payments or principal payments for up to three months for mortgage and cash loans; 
  • The bank will not charge any annex fee; the lending period will be extended by the deferral period; 
  • During the deferral period, interest will be accrued in accordance with the loan agreement;
  • The solution will be available in a simplified process managed by helpline advisors. 

The payment deferral will be available to the customers whose mortgage or cash loans were sanctioned before 16 September 2024, and where payment delays, if any, are not longer than 30 days. The offer is for customers who have suffered property damage or lost their job/ main source of income in or as a direct result of the flooding in September 2024. 

In a few days from now (7 October, as planned), the bank is going to make available additional solutions for micro and small companies. These will include deferral of principal payments or principal-and-interest payments for up to three months. The bank is not going to charge any annex fee, and customers will be able to submit their requests to business advisors in branches in a simplified process.

Medium-sized companies (corporations) can benefit from the deferral of either principal or principal-and-interest instalments for up to three months, and have their working capital loans renewed for up to 3 months.

During the deferral period, interest on the loan will be accrued in accordance with the loan agreement. The bank will not charge any annex fee.

Business customers can already use non-standard forms of support, i.e.  customised to their specific situation and needs.

Santander Leasing customers affected by the flood can change their contractual payment schedule free of charge and on their own – this is part of the standard offer. In the customer portal eBOK24, the leasing company provides several options to choose from, including suspension of principal payments for up to six months (with or without extending the lease term) or deferral of the current lease payments. 

Customers directly affected by the flood, will not have to pay any fee for changes in the payment schedule, payment deferral or extension of the lease term. In addition, the leasing company will not collect any fee for lease termination if the leased asset has been totally damaged.

Santander Factoring offers its customers deferral of principal payments or principal-and-interest payments for up to three months. Customers can request this change from advisors free of charge.

The submission deadline is 31 December 2024.

In addition, the bank will reimburse retail and SME customers for fees for withdrawing cash from third-party ATMs. This applies to the ATMs located in the areas affected by or at risk of flooding.

To learn more, see Current solutions for customers from flood-affected areas – Santander.


In addition to helping customers with repayments, Santander Bank Polska has engaged in charitable giving. The bank has donated PLN 1 million as part of a fundraiser organised by the Santander Bank Polska Foundation. The funds will go to the Polish Red Cross for the purchase of flood recovery equipment. 

Volunteers from the Santander Bank Polska Foundation are involved in flood relief activities on site. They have arranged for:

  • transport of donations, dehumidifiers, generators and cleaning products (using cars from the bank's fleet) to private homes and local authorities; 
  • hygiene packages that went to families in the flooded areas.