Any person or company, whether they are Santander customers or not, can access it. In addition to Mexico, it will be available in Spain and Portugal.

Mexico City, April 6, 2020.
Banco Santander has announced the launch of "Esto lo superamos juntos", an open and accessible site for any person or company, whether or not they are customers of the institution, which contains information and resources to help overcome the situation generated by the coronavirus (covid-19). Mexico is one of the pioneering countries in the group with this tool, which is also being launched in Spain and Portugal, in this first stage, and will soon be launched in other countries in Europe and America.

This new space, which can be accessed through the website, includes a section with official information on government authorities and aid programmes, aimed at both individuals (official health information, leisure/sport at home) and companies and the self-employed.

In the section 'The community helps itself', you can access a directory with volunteer initiatives of all kinds to overcome the situation arising from the coronavirus, with many official platforms on which to collaborate and make donations.

Other sections incorporate a battery of entertainment possibilities and professional resources for people and workers who stay at home. From ideas for learning something new every day like languages and entertainment to resources for the family (cooking, reading, virtual visits to museums) or teleworking (recommendations, collaborative tools. In addition, the 'Health and Wellness' section includes access to the online diagnosis on covid-19 available in Mexico, as well as recommendations for exercising at home, links to meditation and relaxation apps, or to professional health services.

"We overcome this together" also includes a map with health centers, pharmacies, supermarkets and branches or ATMs of any nearby bank.

This initiative is part of the global aid program of Banco Santander, called Santander Todos. Juntos. Ahora, which will be implemented in all geographies according to the phase in which each country is.