The appealing of cities is going on after the pandemic
According to an article by @rielcano, contrary to what could be expected as a natural step forward during the pandemic, especially during lockdowns, migratory flows to rural areas have not improved and estimates suggest that the urban population will continue to grow in the future.
Main takeaways from the article:
‑ Since 2007, more than half of the planet's population is living in cities. Although with wide differences by continent: while in America more than 80% of people live in cities, in Africa they barely reach 40%.
Pre-pandemic estimates suggested that by 2050, more than two-thirds of the world's population will live in cities.
‑ Increasingly large cities: while in 1990, 34% of the urban population lived in cities with more than one million inhabitants, in 2020 that percentage had already risen to 43%, and by 2035 it is estimated to reach 47%. In relation to the "megacities" (>10 million population) they would have tripled since 1990 (up to 30) being more than half in the Asian continent. By the year 2100 the demographic explosion in Africa would translate into an intense proliferation of “megacities”, with Lagos and Kinshasa even surpassing 80 million inhabitants.
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