Financial Markets Standard Board (FMSB) Statement of Commitment

The Financial Markets Standards Board (FMSB) was established in 2015 in response to the Fair and Effective Markets Review (FEMR) in the UK with an original mandate to issue clear and practical guidance designed to improve conduct and raise standards in the wholesale financial markets.

FMSB is building a body of Standards and Statements of Good Practice (SoGPs) over time, prioritising those areas where FMSB member firms consider there is a lack of clarity and/or understanding of the issues relevant to a product or transaction type, or evidence of poor conduct.

FMSB Standards and SoGPs do not impose legal or regulatory obligations on member firms, nor do they take the place of regulation. In the event of any inconsistency, applicable law, rules and regulation will prevail.

Santander Corporate Investment Banking (the “Institution”), relating to its activity in Madrid and London, on a principal basis acknowledges that the Standards published by the Financial Markets Standards Board represent generally recognized good practice in the wholesale financial markets.

The Institution confirms that it is committed to conduct its wholesale financial market activities (its “Activities”) in a manner consistent with the Core Principles contained in FMSB Standards, and to have internal policies, procedures and controls reasonably designed to give effect to those Core Principles where they are applicable to its Activities, in a manner that is commensurate with the nature of its Activities in the relevant entity or jurisdiction.

This statement of commitment applies to all Standards published by the FMSB in final form prior to 31 December 2023.

For the Standards published please see

FMSB Statement of Commitment 2023 – SCIB Madrid (PDF 530.3 Kb)

FMSB Statement of Commitment 2023 – SCIB London (PDF 167.5 Kb)