In 2015, we started a new chapter at our bank with the launch of “The Santander Way”. Since then, our culture has brought us together and guided all of us, from the branches to the board of directors and the back office.

Our global culture, "The Santander Way", encompasses our purpose “to help people and businesses prosper”, our aim, “to be the best open financial services platform, acting responsibly and earning the trust of our people, customers, shareholders and communities”, our “Simple, Personal and Fair” values, our risk culture (“Risk Pro”), which stresses that risk management is everyone’s job, and lastly, our behaviours.

Our leadership principles:

  • Promote a ‘Group first’ mentality
  • Lead the transformation
  • Build, develop and grow talent
  • Deploy T.E.A.M.S. impeccably
  • Promote an inclusive culture

The corporate behaviours are the main exponent of our culture and should guide our way of how we work and live the Santander brand. Companies with a strong internal culture attract and retain talent. Therefore, in order to leverage the progress we have made in recent years, we have reshaped the behaviours in "The Santander Way".

These “reshaped” behaviours have been created around a single word: T.E.A.M.S. Each letter represents a behaviour, so it is easier to understand and memorise all five. This is what each letter stands for:

Think Customer

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I care about our customers so I go the extra mile to earn their trust and loyalty.

Embrace Change

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I embrace new challenges and I see new ways of doing things as an opportunity to grow.

Act Now

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I take accountability and manage risks accordingly, always keeping things simple.

Move together

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I seek opportunities to promote collaboration and work together to achieve common goals.

Speak up

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I feel free to raise any idea, ask any question or escalate any issues or risks, building an environment of respect and trust. I am comfortable sharing and receiving feedback.

Building a strong culture

We are a global company, united by a common culture. The world is changing and so must we. That is why, in the first quarter of 2022, we relaunched "The Santander Way", to reflect five critical behaviours that we want everyone to follow. We are doing this as must continue to earn and keep our customers’ trust and loyalty, building a company of which we are all proud. This will help us speed up our transformation towards a more simple, personal and fair bank. By embedding T.E.A.M.S. in our day-to-day lives, Santander will lead the way for changing the future of banking.