• The three entities promote the development of an open training environment that guarantees access and promotion in the public function to people with disabilities.
  •  Since the beginning of this program in 2010, 5,500 people have participated in these initiatives to promote equal employment, in calls from the Public Administration at the state and regional level and other training and employment promotion projects.

Plena Inclusión, Banco Santander and Fundación Universia have renewed this morning their collaboration in which they guarantee equal opportunities and non-discrimination to continue promoting the inclusion of people with intellectual or developmental disabilities and promote their participation in social, economic, labor, educational and cultural life.

The agreement has been signed by the director of Institutions of Santander Spain, Gabriel Sauco; the director of Private Institutions of Santander Spain, Raquel González; the director of Plena Inclusión España, Enrique Galván and the director of Fundación Universia, Sonia Viñas. All have valued the continuity of a project that guarantees the adaptation of possible calls, support and interventions that favor the development of socio-labor roles valued in the Public Administration for people with intellectual or developmental disabilities.

Since this program was launched in 2010, it has had the participation of 5,500 people with intellectual disabilities. The objective is to collaborate in actions promoted by Plena Inclusión within its social entrepreneurship program and the development of projects in inclusive training and employment support environments for people with intellectual or developmental disabilities. The agreement seeks an environment of action with the following lines of work:

  • The promotion of an open training environment that guarantees equal opportunities and promotes both access and adequate progress in the training process of people with intellectual disabilities.
  • Promote the participation and social normalization of people with intellectual disabilities and their integration into the labor market.
  • The promotion of research, advice and action projects that promote the participation of people with intellectual disabilities.

This collaboration between Plena Inclusión, Fundación Universia and Banco Santander seeks to guarantee stable support for the inclusion and progress of people with intellectual or developmental disabilities in the field of employment, which is especially difficult for them to access.

More information: http://www.plenainclusion.org/, http://www.fundacionuniversia.net/, and http://www.bancosantander.es/

About Fundación Universia

FUNDACIÓN UNIVERSIA, which has the patronage of Banco Santander, develops innovative projects that promote the social and labor inclusion of people with disabilities, through their higher education and professional development, to consolidate as an international reference organization in the field of qualified employment linked to the development of diverse talent in companies that are committed to inclusive, responsible and sustainable growth.