To build a more responsible bank and strengthen the customer experience we are leveraging our global and in-market scale, network and technology capabilities.

We continue working towards our ambition of net zero carbon emissions by 2050 by progressively setting specific actions to support our customers' transition.

 ¹ Sustainable Development Goals

Top 3

in NPS in 7 of our core markets


bank in Bloomberg Gender-Equality Index

Since 2019
€114.6 bn

in green finance*

IN 2023
1.8 mn new people

financially included through our access and finance initiatives

IN 2023
€174 million

invested in our communities

BETWEEN 2023-2026
€400 million

target to invest to foster education, employability and entrepreneurship

Top 3

in NPS in 7 of our core markets


bank in Bloomberg Gender-Equality Index

Since 2019
€114.6 bn

in green finance*

IN 2023
1.8 mn new people

financially included through our access and finance initiatives

IN 2023
€174 million

invested in our communities

BETWEEN 2023-2026
€400 million

target to invest to foster education, employability and entrepreneurship

Reports on responsible banking

The presentations below give an overview of Santander’s sustainability strategy and corporate governance.

Core policies that embed ESG Criteria in our business model

They provide the fundamental guidelines that should guide the organisation's actions and decision-making.


Santander is an active member in the main local and international initiatives and working groups that promote sustainable development.

Principles of Responsible Investment

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This UN initiative aims to promote sustainable investment and development among its signatories.

Santander manages employees’ pension funds in Spain and Brazil based on standards of responsible investment.

More details: Principles of Responsible Investment

World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD)

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Group Executive Chair Ana Botín is a member of WBCSD’s executive committee, and Santander is part of its Future of Work initiative, which helps companies adapt their business and human resource strategy in the digital age.

More details: WBCSD

ESG ratings


ESG ratings20232022Evol.

MSCI index

MSCI index








World & Europe index

World & Europe index




FTSE4Good index

FTSE4Good index

C - (55.6)

C - (55.6)





A. In CDP we remain in Leadership level and in DJSI we remain in the World and European Indexes.

B. Not rated in 2023.

C. Based on 2022 information. Updated score not available on the current date. 

Things that inspire us