Shareholder remuneration

Shareholder remuneration charged against 2024 results

€11 cents per share
payable from 2 May 2025

€1,587 million
charged against  2nd half profit

c. 50 %
of attributable profit

€21 cents per share

€3,112 million

€6,300 million

*Subject to approval by the 2025 annual general meeting.
**Existing shareholder remuneration policy defined as c.50% of Group reported profi t (excluding non-cash, non-capital ratios impact items), distributed c.50% in cash dividends and c.50% in share buybacks. The implementation of the shareholder remuneration policy and any share buybacks to distribute CET1 surpluses are subject to future corporate and regulatory decisions and approvals.

Information on shareholder remuneration charged against 2024 results

Cash dividend

The board of directors of Banco Santander has resolved to submit to the 2025 Annual Shareholders’ Meeting, in application of the Bank’s current shareholder remuneration policy1, the approval of the payment against 2024 results of a final gross cash dividend of €11 cents per share entitled to receive dividends. Subject to the approval of the 2025 Annual Shareholders’ Meeting, the dividend would be payable from 2 May 2025. Thus, the last day to trade shares with a right to receive the dividend would be 28 April, the ex-dividend date would be 29 April and the record date would be 30 April.

As a result, the total cash dividend per share charged to 2024 results will be 21 euro cents (including the €10.00 cents per share paid in November 2024), an increase of over 19% compared to the cash dividend against 2023 (17.6 euro cents).

Share repurchase programme

In application of the bank’s shareholder remuneration policy1Santander announced on 5 February a share repurchase programme for an amount of c.25% of the group’s profit in the second half of 2024 (approximately €1,587 million). The regulatory authorization has already been obtained and its execution commences on 6 February.

The Buy-Back Programme will be executed pursuant to the resolutions adopted by the general shareholders’ meeting held on 31 March 2023 and will have the following characteristics:

  • Purpose of the Buy-Back Programme: to reduce the Bank’s share capital through the redemption of the shares acquired under the Programme in the share capital reduction approved by the 2024 Annual Shareholders' Meeting under item 5ºC of the agenda and/or, where applicable, the capital reduction that will be submitted to the approval of the 2025 Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders.
  • Maximum investment: the Buy-Back Programme will have a maximum monetary amount of 1,587 million euros.
  • Maximum number of shares: The maximum number of shares that may be acquired pursuant to the Programme will depend on the average price at which they are acquired but will not exceed 1,413,743,296 shares. Assuming that the average purchase price at which shares are acquired pursuant to the Programme were 5.00 euros, the maximum number of shares that would be acquired would be 317,400,000 (c. 2.10% of the Bank’s share capital).
  • Other conditions: shares will be purchased at market price, subject to the following restrictions:
    • The Bank may not purchase shares at a price higher than the greater of the following two: (a) the price of the last independent trade, or (b) the highest current independent purchase bid on the trading venue where the purchase is carried out.
    • The Bank may not purchase on any trading day more than 25% of the average daily volume of the Bank’s shares on the trading venue on which the purchase is carried out. The average daily volume will be based on the average daily volume traded in the twenty (20) business days preceding the date of each purchase.
  • Indicative duration of the Buy-Back Programme: from 6 February 2025 to 27 June 2025. However, the Bank reserves the right to terminate the Buy-Back Programme if, prior to its expiry date, the maximum monetary amount is reached or if any other circumstances so advise.
  • Execution of the Buy-Back Programme: the Programme will be executed by the team that, in accordance with the Bank’s treasury stock policy, is responsible for the execution of treasury shares transactions. Acquisitions under the Buy-Back Programme may be made in the Spanish Automated Quotation System (Mercado Continuo), as well as in Turquoise Europe, DXE Europe and Aquis Exchange Europe.

The interruption, termination or modification of the Buy-Back Programme will be duly communicated to the Spanish National Securities Market Commission (Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores). Transactions under the Buy-Back Programme will be publicly disclosed within 7 daily market sessions following the date of their execution.

In addition, between 27 August 2024 and 3 December 2024, the bank carried out a first share buyback programme against 2024 results totalling €1,525 million.

The total shareholder remuneration for the 2024 results will be approximately €6.3 billion (around 50% of the group's attributable profit for 2024), divided equally between cash dividends and share buyback programmes. 

1  In line with the current shareholder remuneration policy of approximately 50% of the Group’s reported profit (excluding non-cash, non-capital ratios impact items), divided approximately equally between cash dividends and share buybacks. The implementation of the shareholder remuneration policy is subject to future corporate and regulatory decisions and approvals.

Further information on shareholder remuneration can be found in the following sections of this website:

Dividend Yield
Ex-dividend Date